Good Writing, Bad writing?

What good writing is depends on what you are writing. In example, a fiction story needs very descriptive writing so that the reader can create a mental image of what the author is trying to purvey, a good plot line to keep the reader interested and invested in the story, and good character development so that the reader is able to sympathize with the main character. If i come away from reading a book, or a series of books, without any emotional connection to any of the characters, I don’t feel the author wrote the books well enough and should do his or her best to try to make the characters more relatable. For non-fiction, however, the writing needs to be factual, giving what is known without anything being made up. What kind of lab report wol have a story about a dragon and a princess when all the writer had done was combine baking soda and vinegar to make a volcano? The only way to know good writing is to compare the writing style to the genre of the paper and see if it fits as it should. Bad writing simply lacks everything i said above.

English, the thug of all languages

My home language is english. People often say that English borrows almost all of its words from other languages. This, however is not true. English doesn’t borrow anything, it jumps other languages in back alleys and searches their pockets for loose words and grammar. We are simply the theives of the language world, takng words and making them fit our purposes anytime and anywhere we want.

Literacy: A Liquid Concept Which People seem to want to be Set in Stone

Literacy, in it’s most basic form, is the ability to process and recognize information which is placed in front of you in the form of something written or drawn, In my own opinion. To Different people, based on personal thought processes, education, and lessons learned from interactions with people, view Literacy differently. Some view it as the ability to read well, others as something that is transparent and apparent without having a  easily relatable meaning, an undefinable, yet undeniable value. In this sense, literacy is much like emotion or psychology. Each person has their own way of looking at something based on their backgrounds, personalities, and rearing. Literacy, as defined by society as a general value, is tied to a person’s worth to society. In example, people view a man who never went through school and is “illiterate” as lazy, ignorant, and, for the most part, useless to society and its furtherment. On the other hand a man who went to an Ivy League school, got their doctrate in politics and law, is well read and learned, is viewed as successful and a productive memeber of society, furthering its growth in the field he specializes in. I must say this is a falllacy. The uneducated man may be a mechanic, knowing the inner workings of a car as no one else does, being able to read a blueprint, with good morals, manners, and courtesy that define him as a productive, well respected member of his community, while the Ivy League graduate may be a devious, manipulative, twisted person whom everyone despises and sees as a nuisance more than a asset. People’s education and literacy is only a part of how we should percieve someone, and shouldn’t be used to judge them. Some cultures, such as the tribes of africa, have no real need for literacy, and function as a society without the skill. In conclusion, Literacy is Liquid, changing with the times and perceptions of the times, is undefinable, yet undeniable, and is simply one of the many tools people can use to further society’s growth. Will’s Elements of Literacy Notes

You Only Live Once, Don’t Be Stupid

YOLO. An acronymn for “You only live once.” Hearing this makes me want to beat whoever said it with a pillow case full of porcupines. Basically it’s Carpe Diem for stupid people. At the beinning I really had no issue with the phrase, even thought it might be a nice update for the ages old Carpe Diem. Back in those more innocent days I thought it meant you only live once, so live your life well, and do something meaningful with the little time you have in this world of the living. Society, however, took it and twisted it into a lame excuse to do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted, without thinking about the consequences. Now, whenever i hear some poor fool yelling “YOLO!” I’m simply glad that their probably not going to live past the age of thirty. Unfortunately, however, The YOLO-ers are breeding like rabbits, marriage or no, finacial stability or no, because they feel that they can do whatever they want. Woe be to the YOLO generation’s children.
